National Sports Day

2020-08-29 Virtual

SBD International School Bhadrak wishes you all on National Sports day, 2020. A Fit India is the Hit India in all spheres. Though the Pandemic has cast a shadow of uncertainty and silenced all the educational institutions, yet it can never ever kill our zeal and enthusiasm. Our endless zeal and sorting spirit have propelled us to celebrate this, National Sports Day through Virtual medium. Dr Manmohan Rout, Ex-Principal, Govt College of Physical Education, BBSR has graced the celebration.

Fit India Movement

2020-08-29 SBDIS Campus

It is with immense satisfaction, we would like to share with you all that our school organized a month long Fit India Freedom Run from 29th August to 2nd October, 2020 to propagate our Hon'ble P.M's dream movement called Fit India Movement. To spread awareness about the essence of Fitness in our lives,we organised different National level competitions like drawing, Sports quiz, poster making etc. We felicitated Shreeyanshi Sahoo(a student of STD-1) and SK. Mukhtar Ahmed, Rtd Commanding Officer 2(O), Naval Unit, NCC, BDK (Father of Miss Nisat Fatima, a student of STD-12) as they were the first student and parents respectively for actively participating in the same event on the Closing day Ceremony. The active participation of our Principal and Chairman has added colour and flavor to the Fit India Freedom Run event, 2020. We are thankful to one and all for the support lent to us.

Ganesh Puja

2020-08-22 SBDIS Auditorium

"O Lord Ganesha, one with a huge body, a curved Elephant trunk and whose radiance is equal to billions of Sun.May you bless all our endeavors and remove all obstacles from our paths". Though this pandemic has silenced even the busiest places and pushed the entire world into the hell of uncertainty, yet it can't kill our devotion for Lord Ganesha. We have celebrated Lord Ganesha Puja at SBD International School, Bhadrak by following all the guidelines set by the District administration .Wish you all a Happy Ganesha Puja.

Independence Day

2020-08-15 Virtual

Though Covid 19 has cast a pall of gloom and the entire world has been plunged into the hell of uncertainty, yet it can not dampen the spirit of patriotism rising in the hearts of each and every heart. Let's bury the social evils like mounting corruption, injustice, inequality, terrorism, hatred, poverty, hunger, exploitation etc in their graves. Let this day be the beginning of a new era of hope and endless opportunities. Last but not the least, all we can say is that the challenges are to be accepted, faced and defeated. We can feel the exhilaration of freedom once we are successful in our mission. Jay Hind!


2020-08-11 Virtual

"Shri Krishna Govinda Hare murari ... Hey Nath Narayana Vasudeva......” Though Covid19 has cast a pall of gloom all over the universe, yet it can not kill the religious spirit and fervour of Janmastami of all of us including our children. Our children have walked down the memory lane to recollect their experiences related to Janmastami celebration at school every year. In fact, our hearts and souls are flooded with the memories of fun, excitement and joy that we experience every year. Though this pandemic has forced us to stay indoors, yet our children have made small attempts to showcase their love and respect for Lord Krishna through Virtual mode. Wish you all a Happy Janmastami from the SBDIS FAMILY . May Lord fulfill all of your dreams.