Engineers Day

2020-09-15 Virtual

Engineers are the gifted human beings as they convert our dreams into realities. n this Engineers Day, we would like to offer our tribute to Bharat Ratna M. Visvesvarya, the greatest Engineer that this nation has ever produced. He will be remembered for his hard work, commitment, sincerity, determination and dedication. Let engineers be armed with knowledge, latest technology, expertise, thirst of excellence, the spirit of dedication and discipline. SBD International School, Bhadrak wishes all Engineers a Happy Engineers Day.

Hindi Diwas

2020-09-14 Virtual

Hindi, being the national language of India has unified people of the nation and ultimately bound the people. It is the reflection of our philosophy, culture ,tradition and heritage. It has not just withstood the testing times but also grown from strength to strength over the years. On this very day, SBD International School, Bhadrak wishes all of you a Happy Hindi Diwas. Though life has been crippled by this pandemic, SBDIS has made a small attempt to showcase its love for the national language in a virtual manner. Let the love for the national language pervade each and every heart. Long Live Hindi!Long live Hindustan!

Grand Parent's Day

2020-09-13 Virtual

GRAND PARENTS' DAY CELEBRATED THROUGH VIRTUAL MEDIUM AT SBDIS, BHADRAK. Grandparents are the treasure houses of selfless love, affection, compassion, kindness and sacrifice. Their hard work, sincerity, dedication, commitment, perspiration, perseverance, patience, courage, conviction, discipline, dedication and determination are a never-ending inspiration for all of us. SBDIS remembers you on this day and appreciates and acknowledges your contribution to the society. All we seek today are your blessings as we are convinced that your blessings are our priceless gifts that can be cherished and treasured for ages together. We salute all the Pitamahas on this great day.

International Literacy Day

2020-09-08 Virtual

SBD International School, Bhadrak wishes all a Happy International Literacy Day. The journey of prosperity of a nation starts with literacy as it gives our future a sound security. Illiteracy in the world of Knowledge explosion is like a devil. All efforts must be made to uproot this devil from a progressive society. Let's take a pledge today that we will invest some of our time, energy and resources to educate the society around us. Let's be like Bhagirathi who can help the stream of knowledge spread to the remotest part of the world.

Teacher's Day

2020-09-05 Virtual

Teachers plant seeds of knowledge that last a lifetime. n this great day, the students of SBDIS take this opportunity to express their gratitude and obligations towards their teacher who work day in and day out to help their inner potentials grow and glow. Even though the pandemic has plunged the world into a hell of uncertainty, yet it has not dampened their respect for the teachers. The students have celebrated Teachers Day through Virtual medium to express their thankfulness to their teachers. Wish you all a Happy Teachers Day.